CSS: All about Selectors in css.

CSS: All about Selectors in css.

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Day 1: 12Nov22

What does CSS mean?

CSS stands for:- Cascading Style Sheet used to style web pages. I know that’s too formal and hard to understand. Let’s try with an example, suppose you have a house that is just built and you have to decorate it with some paint, some design you, you want your block will be blue and your sister’s block pink that’s it. That’s how CSS works with HTML web pages. It’s your choice what type of font you want, basically how your website is going to look to you and the users all depends on CSS. Now some examples that you can do with CSS:- Styling layout web pages, different fonts, colors, size, spacing, adding columns, Adding Animations, and a lot more.

##How to add CSS to the web page? 1 Directly add CSS to the same file inside the